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Public Sector Recruitment

Both the Defence and Public Sector industries represent critical and highly influential forces within the UK economy. These industries also encompass many private sector employment opportunities where SERT routinely support placements and projects, within aerospace, maritime and land domains, aswell as IT.

Due to the nature of these industries, barriers are often imposed within the recruitment process, due to role-specific nationality and/or security clearance requirements. Additionanly, a recurring theme noted by our clients in our discovery calls, is a struggle in finding SQEP (Suitably Qualified and Experienced Personnel) for their vacant roles. We appreciate that job seekers are keen to gain as much information as possible before considering a new opportunity, and we strive to do this as best as possible while keeping in line with client base conditions.

SERT operate within JOSCAR (Joint Supply Chain Accreditation Register), the UKs nationally recognised accreditation system for aerospace, defence and security sectors. Our accreditation declares SERT is qualified and compliant to work within these sectors and can be recognised as “fit for business” by companies looking to scale their workforce through our bespoke solutions.

Demonstrating compliance and continual improvement is essential for legal, regulatory and corporate governance standards and has contributed towards our effective reputation management within this specialist sector. SERT has served these industries for over a decade, establishing our presence in the South working with MoD and strategic partners, implementing solutions to complex requirements and conditions that will make workforce goals and objectives achievable within set timeframes.

Both public and private sectors draw success from our contract, interim and permanent workforce solutions, enhanced by our people focused purpose and ability to meet urgent demand. Security protocols dictate restrictions on advertisement and exposure, which is where clients benefit from the curation and maintenance of SERT's network.

SERT value all our applicants and we are especially proud to work with ex-military personnel, helping force leavers to repurpose their skills and pursue new opportunities. In 2019, SERT signed the Armed Forces Covenant, in support of the promise from our nation that those who serve or have served in the armed forces, and their families, are treated fairly. Our network includes many ex-military personnel whom we have helped get their first role after transitioning out the forces.

If you possess skills and/or clearances within this specialist sector, make yourself know!

We would love to find out about your working requirements to discuss opportunities our clients have for you now or in the near future. There’s no harm in letting us know your dream job, even if you already have a role, as one day we may make that dream a reality.

email us

SERT's specialist Divisions

Public Sector

Resourcing solutions within Defence, Professional Services and Education.


Utilities and Green Energy

Mobilising workforces that install, maintain, and manage the UK's current and future infrastructure.

The Retrofit Academy - Hampshire

The Retrofit Academy (TRA) and workforce solutions and training specialist, SERT Training have established an exclusive partnership to launch The Retrofit Academy Hampshire. Find out more about training and career opportunities within the retrofit industries here!