All Because of Mum


All Because of Mum

Mum. Three letters, one syllable, and yet the simple word says so much. I love my mom because My mum is everything for me. We all have a mother, whether by birth or adoption and many of us have a mother figure.  Mum is one of the very first words we learn to say and a word once we learn how to write it fills us with something magical.  This weekend we celebrate Mum and the very essence of who these remarkable women are.

Mother’s Day or Mothering Sunday doesn’t really seem enough for everything a mother does and is. But this day is just one day where we can stop, pause and truly be grateful for our mums, grandmothers, and mother figures in our lives. Just one day where we don’t take Mum for granted, where we realise just how important she is and maybe question what we would do without her.

Being a mum is not a choice, not something you are told to do, and comes with no instruction book or set of rules. Being a mum or even a mother figure comes naturally from the heart and deep inside the soul. It is the lowest paid job on earth but by far the most rewarding. Even when mum Is taken for granted, when things we forget are remembered, tidied up, or completed as if by magic, mum does not take offense. Inside she may be exhausted, annoyed, and maybe even hurting but the love inside her pulls her through. Mum serves a selfish desire to inspire and support so people can live happier and more successful lives.

Where would you be without your mum?  Whether your mother is with you or not, your mum has got you to where you are. You are alive despite a thousand bumps and bruises and illnesses that she selflessly nursed your through. Look down at your feet. The simple laces that tie your shoes are more than likely tied because mum had the patience to teach you. Without mum, you would be tripping on your shoes every day.

Mums teach us the simple things, things hopefully we can pass on to our own children one day.  Without the care, attention, and patience of mothers, the world would come to a standstill. Everything from your childhood bedroom being tidied to that favorite meal only mum can make to just being there for a chat when you need it most would cease to exist.  This Sunday is a chance not just to be thankful but to pause, think back, and recall the little things that make your mum the biggest thing in your life.

To every mum, and those special mother figures, we salute you and more than love you. Thank you is nowhere near enough. One day alone seems so little for everything you do for us without batting an eye.  But thank you is all we can say because as a mother you don’t hear the words but feel them in your heart as our hearts love you so. That's why I love my mom because my mum is everything for me.

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Happy Mother’s Day to Mothers everywhere.

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