
Commercial Electrician

South Coast, Hampshire and further afield
Utilities and Green Energy
From £20 per hour

Job description

Are you a motivated individual looking to join our commercial team? We are currently looking for enthusiastic individuals to help install electrical systems within office refurbishments or refits. Although the role is primarily based in Hampshire, there may be occasional travel required. The typical working hours are Monday to Friday, but overtime and weekend work may be available depending on the project.

In this role, you will be responsible for tasks such as containment and cable installation, testing and commissioning, EICR and Remedials, as well as the maintenance of existing systems. Ideal candidates will be qualified to at least the AM2 level with the 18th edition. While Test and Inspect certification is desirable, it is not essential. A Gold card is preferable, and having your own tools is a must. However, a company vehicle will be provided for the right candidate. Previous experience with similar projects is a plus, but not mandatory.

The hourly rate for this position will depend on your level of experience. If you're interested in joining our team, please reach out to us for more information. We look forward to hearing from you! 2 Positions are available.

Lisa Burt

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