
Lead Heat Pump Engineer

Full Time
Utilities and Green Energy, Domestic clean heating
£45,000 - £55,000 per year

Job description

Great opportunity for an experienced Lead Heat Pump Engineer to join an award-winning growing business and play a pivotal part in growth. This role would be greats for a lead engineer looking to take on supervisory responsibilities.

Job Role:

  • You'll be responsible for mainly installing Air Source Heat Pumps in retrofit and new build environments.
  • The role will also include some survey's, planning and commissioning as well as supervising and training team members.
  • Able to lead, teach, train and mentor engineers to help the business grow.
  • Although mainly installing and commissioning of systems, the role will also involve some service/repair and maintenance works.
  • Working mobile and covering Kent, however there may be some further afield installations where digs will be covered if necessary.

Key Requirements:

  • Qualified domestic plumbing and heating engineer - ideally NVQ 2/3 etc.
  • Air Source Heat Pump installation experience - minimum 2 years experience.
  • Level 3 or equivalent in heat pumps.
  • Comfortable working around Kent

Key Accountabilities:

  • Lead the technical aspects of installing ASHP’s
  • Successfully overcome any technical challenges on site, liaising with the customer and office.

Elliot Lewis

Senior Business Development Manager

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