Project Planner

Full Time
Twyford, Winchester
Public Sector, Defence
£34,000 - £48,000 per year

Job description

The Project Planner will be responsible for the provision of internal resource planning as well as aiding live projects with their individual project plans associated with technical design and build projects.  The scope will encompass planning of technical resource, with the assistance of Project Managers, Project Engineering Managers and Senior Management, for project delivery on all major projects. They will perform a wide range of administrative and office support duties to facilitate the efficient operation of the organisation.

Main Responsibilities and Duties:

  • To update and own the Project Labour Forecast (including configuration and change control).
  • To manage project plans on major projects (including resource loading) in accordance with the requirements of the contract.
  • To produce commentary on changes to project plans, managing critical path and forward loading.
  • To evaluate and assist with preparation of monthly progress reports, as required.
  • To plan and forecast utilization of labour with a twelve month look ahead.
  • To provide project administration support for design and build projects.
  • To assess the shift in labour requirements on projects and advise of the impact to the business.
  • Utilising/updating web-based reporting tools.
  • Help develop and maintain a good working relationship with suppliers and clients.
  • Understand and record risks associated with projects.
  • Support the success of the delivery team.
  • Any other job duties commensurate with the accountabilities of the post.
  • Prepared to undertake regular travel in the UK and overseas when required.
  • Any other job duties commensurate with the accountabilities of the post.
About you...
  • You will be able to achieve SC vetting level.
  • You will have extensive experience of project planning & exposure to planning on a variety of contracts (NEC3 or 4 preferred)
  • You will be a Practitioner with MS Project, Excel and Primavera P6.
  • You will have experience reporting Earned Value Management.
  • It would be desirable but not essential if you would have an APM Project Management qualification or equivalent/Degree qualification in an engineering discipline or equivalent.
Interested? Apply to find out more!

Mark Edwards

Group Chief Executive Officer

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