Tendering & Proposals Manager

Full Time
Twyford, Winchester
Public Sector, Defence
£48,000 - £58,000 per year

Job description

The Tendering & Proposals Manager will lead the tendering and proposals team, overseeing the development and submission of bids and proposals for new projects. This role is crucial for ensuring that bids are competitive, compliant, timely, and accurately forecasted in terms of revenue generation and required expenditure. The ideal candidate will have a strong track record of managing successful bids, excellent leadership skills, and the ability to navigate complex stakeholder relationships, including presenting high-value opportunities for review and approval by parent company stakeholders in accordance with governance procedures.

Main Duties and Responsibilities

  • Lead and manage the tendering and proposals team, setting clear objectives and monitoring performance.
  • Oversee the entire tendering process from opportunity identification to final submission, ensuring compliance with all requirements.
  • Collaborate closely with the Finance function to forecast potential revenue generation and required expenditure for each bid, ensuring financial viability and strategic alignment.
  • Develop and implement strategies to enhance the quality and competitiveness of bids and proposals.
  • Work across departments (e.g., finance, legal, technical) to compile accurate and compelling bid submissions.
  • Support the role of Customer Manager in developing the opportunity pipeline and pursuing opportunities for tender.
  • Manage key stakeholder relationships, including clients, partners, suppliers, and particularly parent company stakeholders, to align bids with broader company strategies and governance procedures.
  • Present high-value tenders to parent company stakeholders for review and approval, ensuring alignment with corporate governance standards and procedures for bids exceeding certain thresholds.
  • Review and approve all bid documents before submission, upholding the highest standards of quality and compliance.
  • Provide leadership and support to the team on bid writing, presentation, and negotiation techniques.
  • Remain informed on industry trends, regulatory changes, and best practices in tendering and proposal management.
  • Analyse bid outcomes, presenting and implementing lessons learned to continuously improve future submissions.
  • Identify unsolicited opportunities for new / increased business.
  • Investigate potential tools and process changes to improve accuracy and efficiency.
  • Support as required after bid submission such as dealing with questions and clarifications requests from clients or preparing and delivering presentations to clients to explain proposals or supporting various audits.
  • Prepared to undertake travel in the UK and overseas when required.
  • Attend various business meetings as required.
  • Any other job duties commensurate with the accountabilities of the post.
  • Understanding of GDPR/data protection legislation procedures and requirements in a highly regulated environment. Comply with GDPR and with CAN data protection policy.
  • Comply with the company code of ethics and all polices (including staff handbook) related to the company corporate documents.
  • To be responsible for your own workplace safety. To demonstrate commitment to health and safety; ensure all statutory obligations are met and the safety of staff, clients and visitors are in line with the UK and European standards.
  • Demonstrating a commitment to health and safety by following the company’s written procedures and policies, ensuring you are up to date with any training and using any equipment provided to you for your safety.
  • Extending your commitment to those who may visit the organisation but not be familiar with us; clients, visitors and others ensuring they know how to stay safe on site.

Mark Edwards

Group Chief Executive Officer

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