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Environmental Impact Report


SERT is proud to be a leader in promoting renewable upskilling in the Retrofit Sector within our local community. Our expertise and professional delivery of workforce solutions has also been picked up by Retrofit employers nationally who look to scale and grow their workforce. 

In 2023 alone, we have filled 107 renewable-focused jobs and delivered 219 renewable-focused training courses.

Our focus on supporting and upskilling installers has attracted funding and increased engagement with local employers. In response to the needs of the workforce, SERT Training has developed five accredited courses that aim to develop green skills for gas engineers, electricians, and plumbers.

Solar PV / Solar Thermal / Battery Storage Training Facility coming to 2024!

Our exclusive partnership with The Retrofit Academy allows us to support all roles within the Retrofit Sector, including advisors, coordinators, installers, and project managers. We take pride in supporting renewable installation businesses in the UK to scale and grow their workforce, contributing to the decarbonization of the UK housing stock.


Given the nature of our business, which operates within three premises in close proximity, our environmental impact is relatively low compared to other businesses of similar size. However, we believe that everyone should contribute to environmental solutions. Therefore, we have implemented internal measures to minimise our impact.

1) Carbon Emissions:

Although SERT does not own any company vehicles or facilities, we encourage employees to track their carbon emissions from their commute to work. This simple exercise of inputting car type and distance travelled into an excel spreadsheet has led to car-sharing initiatives and even employees choosing to walk to work when possible.

2) Energy Consumption:

SERT has established procedures and processes to minimize energy consumption. These include practices such as only using the dishwasher when it's full, penalties for leaving electrical appliances on overnight, the use of automatic lights, and the utilization of compressed air for gas training.

3) Waste Management:

We have implemented a recycling program to ensure proper management and recycling of paper, plastic, glass, and electronic waste. All confidential waste is outsourced to Shred-on-Site, a company that produces recycled paper from collected materials, saving 4,000 kilowatts of energy per ton of paper.

SERT's specialist Divisions

Public Sector

Resourcing solutions within Defence, Professional Services and Education.


Utilities and Green Energy

Mobilising workforces that install, maintain, and manage the UK's current and future infrastructure.

The Retrofit Academy - Hampshire

The Retrofit Academy (TRA) and workforce solutions and training specialist, SERT Training have established an exclusive partnership to launch The Retrofit Academy Hampshire. Find out more about training and career opportunities within the retrofit industries here!