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SERTify Video Interview Technology

Keep Hiring with our Specialist Video Technology platform SERTify

Don’t let the current situation hold you back from achieving your goals. Positions still need to be filled, and you can still secure great candidates and get them up and running remotely. The flexibility video offers is essential for combating the impact of COVID-19 and SERTify is the latest Video Software, designed specifically for the screening and interview process to keep your pipeline of talent moving. 

Features and Benefits

Live Interviews

Conduct live interviews with just 1-click and no downloads. SERTify allows recruiters and clients to meet prospective candidates face to face without the need to be in the same room. 
Solo Interviews

Arranging interviews for top talent can be difficult when trying to find a time to suit all parties. Allow candidates to record interviews on a mobile, laptop, desktop or tablet in their own time, answering questions you have set. We as recruiters can then review these interviews afterwards and use it to predetermine the best candidates to submit to you for review.
Video Shortlists

SERTify enables us to offer 1-click candidate shortlists for your review including all supporting documents, CV’s, certificates and right to work in one place.

Streamlining your hiring process

Adding video interviewing to your hiring process increases the interview to hire ratio by 70%. In many cases you know within the first five or ten minutes if a candidate is right for the role or not, but with face-to-face you have no option to stop the interview. With video you do. We’ll conduct your first stage interviews for you. Then we’ll send these back to you in a candidate shortlist for review. So you’ve immediately skipped a whole stage in the process. Plus you’ve avoided needless diary coordination and saved yourself tonnes of time sitting through interviews (even virtual ones) with people you know aren’t the right fit.


There is no travel involved which is obviously more convenient for candidates, clients will now have access to much larger talent pools from further afield as they can interview from wherever, whenever. There is also no time off required which is perfect for candidates who are considering their options but who might struggle to get time off from their current roles. 


The fact is, people are still hiring. Agile businesses are determined to keep going and are not taking this lying down. If you’re not still hiring, you’re simply going to miss out on the best talent to those who still are. The ones who are changing it up and refusing not to move forward will reap the rewards. Everyone wants to work for people who care about their employees and who are determined not to be beaten. Introducing SERTify video interviewing to your hiring process instead of putting a stop to it until it’s all blown over ensures you’re not missing out.

Be flexible, save time, get the best talent and keep your business moving forward.

SERT's specialist Divisions

Public Sector

Resourcing solutions within Defence, Professional Services and Education.


Utilities and Green Energy

Mobilising workforces that install, maintain, and manage the UK's current and future infrastructure.

The Retrofit Academy - Hampshire

The Retrofit Academy (TRA) and workforce solutions and training specialist, SERT Training have established an exclusive partnership to launch The Retrofit Academy Hampshire. Find out more about training and career opportunities within the retrofit industries here!