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Social Impact Impact

i) Community Engagement:

SERT has formed a key partnership with various schools, locally, to bring employment pathways and green skills closer to schooling. This partnership allows us, as a private training provider, to collaborate with a growing trust of Primary and Secondary schools, supporting the development of opportunities for young people.

Our initiatives with local schools include Retrofit Awareness sessions for approximately 4,500 Key Stage 1 and 2 students annually, where they can engage with renewable technologies and learn about career opportunities in the retrofit sector. We also offer alternative provision for year 10 students, allowing them to learn basic skills and qualifications in gas, electric, and renewable professions.

By building relationships with schools, organising careers fairs and STEM events, and promoting awareness of industry opportunities, we aim to inspire the next generation and make a positive impact on their families as well. SERT also offers work experience placements in various fields, including accounts, sales, and marketing.

SERT's partnership with the University of Portsmouth includes supporting an innovative Business Consultancy Project (BCP) module. Each year, SERT guides a team of students to create a consultancy report, offering them real-world experience and valuable insights.

We also work closely with Future Isle of Wight, a community interest company, to develop green skills and employment opportunities, with the goal of eradicating fuel poverty and improving the quality of life for Island residents.

ii) Training and Development:

At SERT, we believe in supporting the career and personal development of our employees. We provide opportunities for gaining qualifications that support their roles, including HR and recruitment training. In 2023, we have trained and deployed new entrants, with a current enrolment in our programs. We also work with housing associations and organize career tasters with employer days to introduce individuals to the sector.

iii) Diversity and Inclusion:

SERT actively promotes a diverse and inclusive workplace, ensuring equal opportunities for all employees, irrespective of race, gender, sexual orientation, or background. We are committed to providing fair and unbiased treatment to all customers and clients.

iv) Employee Well-being:

We pride ourselves on having a comprehensive well-being scheme for our employees. Each employee is entitled to four "well-being days" of paid leave, in addition to their annual leave, which can be used without providing an explanation. Through our partnership with Reward Gateway, an Employee Engagement Platform, we support our employees' well-being by providing recognition for their work, offering discounts and cashback incentives. Additionally, we acknowledge that not all employees may feel comfortable discussing personal issues with management, so we have invested in anonymous employee assistance programs through Health Assured.

v) Ethical Practices:

All SERT staff adhere to a strict code of ethics, ensuring fair and transparent practices in training, recruitment, and hiring.

SERT's specialist Divisions

Public Sector

Resourcing solutions within Defence, Professional Services and Education.


Utilities and Green Energy

Mobilising workforces that install, maintain, and manage the UK's current and future infrastructure.

The Retrofit Academy - Hampshire

The Retrofit Academy (TRA) and workforce solutions and training specialist, SERT Training have established an exclusive partnership to launch The Retrofit Academy Hampshire. Find out more about training and career opportunities within the retrofit industries here!