
Training and Assessor - Electrical & EV

Utilities and Green Energy, Utilities
Negotiable (Day rate)

Job description

We are currently looking to significantly increase our capacity in the utilities & renewables industry for the coming next year and deploy a notable bench of freelancers.

Purpose of this role:
To support the delivery of all training and refresher courses in line with Health & Safety, industry, legal and customer requirements.

Key Responsibilities:
Must have 'been on the tools' and worked as an engineer/installer within the Electrical & EV industries, and ideally experienced as a trainer/auditor in the field. You will be required to:
  • Support day-to-day training centre activities.
  • Support additional trainers and assessors.
  • Ensure processes are adhered to terms of all training centre activities.
  • Assist in the provision of clear reporting in order to evaluate training centre capacity and effectiveness.
  • Assist the Training Centre Manager to ensure all centre activities are subject to review and continual improvement.
  • Support the Training Centre Manager to ensure training centre accreditations remain valid and assist with the gaining of all future required accreditations as required.
Personal Characteristics:
  • Friendly and outgoing personality.
  • Passion for training.
  • Good attention to detail.
  • Strong leadership.
  • Flexibility.
  • Commitment.
If you are interested in finding out more about this role, apply today!

Mark Edwards

Group Chief Executive Officer

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