

Full Time
South Hertfordshire
Utilities and Green Energy, Utilities
£30,000 - £35,000 per annum

Job description

We are looking for a number of Domestic Electricians to work in and around South Hertfordshire. The position will be employed by a company who has been trading for nearly 30 years and is a specialist within the heating and maintenance industry.

You main role will be conducting domestic EICR works, small installs and rewire works. Travel will be expected with this position.

The salary on offer is £30,000-£35,000 per annum depending on experience.

In order to be considered for this role you need the following skills/experience:
  • Apprenticeship trained
  • 18th edition
  • City and Guilds 2391 Inspection and Test qualification (desirable)
  • Gold card desirable.
Benefits will include:
  • 28 days holiday (inclusive of bank holidays)
  • Pension scheme

Kirsty Cobb

Recruitment Manager

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