Retrofit Assessor

Full Time
retrofit-academy-hampshire, Retrofit Jobs
up to £45,000 per annum

Job description

We are currently looking for keen Retrofit Assessors to work for one of the leading energy companies in the UK based around the Nottingham area. This opportunity is also ideal for newly qualified assessors looking to kickstart their career in the retrofit industry.

Key Skills / Responsibilities:

  • To undertake on site energy assessments, retrofit assessments, thermal imaging surveys as required.
  • Make recommendations based on assessment findings.
  • Complete administration duties relating to projects alongside the Operations team.
  • Compile detailed records of communication with the clients, updating our internal systems and ensuring this is maintained.
  • Provide retrofit advice, including energy efficiency and renewable energy to clients.
  • Complete site visits and surveys as required.
  • Provide support and guidance to energy assessors.
  • Maintain knowledge on specifications and grants available and ensure this is kept up to date.
  • Liaise with other LivGreen staff members effectively.
  • Build and maintain relationships with clients, homeowners, and internal staff.

The successful candidate must:

  • Previous experience within a Retrofit Surveyor/Assessor role – Essential.
  • Accredited with Elmhurst Energy or Stroma.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Ability to work in a busy and fast paced environment.
  • Organised individual.
  • Attention to detail.
  • Able to manage workload effectively
  • Full clean driving license.

Archie Burt

The Retrofit Recruiter

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