Associate Project Planner

Full Time
Twyford, Winchester
Public Sector, Defence

Job description

In this dynamic role, you’ll contribute to project success by supporting the planning and monitoring process under the guidance of experienced professionals. You’ll develop valuable project management and planning skills while collaborating with the team and contributing to efficient project delivery.

Main Responsibilities and Duties:

  • Assist in managing comprehensive project plans by ensuring cost and resource allocation align with project requirements.
  • Help document changes to project plans, supporting the management of critical paths and forward-loading practices.
  • Contribute to the development and implementation of standardised planning processes and work instructions.
  • Gather and present project performance data and project schedules in a concise and timely manner.
  • Learn and understand key project performance indicators, like Cost Performance Index and Schedule Performance Index.
  • Assist in identifying and reporting on project deviations, opportunities, and potential solutions to the project team.
  • Contribute to developing resource allocation plans, identifying team member roles and responsibilities.
  • Support and facilitate meetings and take clear notes for action items.
  • Assist with risk identification and mitigation strategies.
  • Assist with preparation of monthly progress reports.
  • Learn and assist with planning and forecasting labour utilisation for the project, aligning with established processes.

Mark Edwards

Group Chief Executive Officer

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