
Electrical Taster course

City Centre, Southampton
Utilities and Green Energy, Utilities

Job description

Join 9-day Electrician training course in Southampton, Hampshire!

Get certified in LCL-approved 18th edition Wiring Regulations and Domestic Electrical installation qualifications. This course is perfect for individuals eager to kickstart an Electrician career.

Commit to 2 weeks of training Monday to Friday. No prior electrical course required. Candidates must be 19 years or older and able to travel to SO14.

Benefit from our dedication to enhancing skills in the community by offering a FREE £3,000 course. Previous graduates have even secured interviews, jobs and careers with local employers post-completion.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to step into the world of electrical work. Apply now and be one of the few selected candidates to begin training in May.

Mark Edwards

Group Chief Executive Officer

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